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Chinese Embassy in Barbados celebrates China's National Day
2006-09-30 00:00

      On September 29, 2006, Chinese Ambassador to Barbados H.E. Liu Huanxing held a reception at the Chinese Embassy for the celebration of the 57th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. H.E. Clifford Husbands, Governor-General of Barbados, Lady Husbands, Sir Fred Gollop, President of the Senate, Mr. Ishmael Roett, Speaker of the House of Assembly, some members of Senate and the House of Assembly, members of the diplomatic corp, and other distinguished guests joined the celebration.

Ambassador Liu chatting with Governor-Gerneral

      In his speech, Ambassador Liu briefly introduce the audience to the latest development of China, pointing out that China is pursuing a peaceful development course, on one hand, China is committed to building a harmonious society domestically, adopting the strategy of "comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development" to jointly push forward social and economic development, on the other hand, China is seeking "peace, development and cooperation", making great efforts in creating a peaceful international environment for its own development and meanwhile promoting world peace with its developed strength.

Ambassador Liu delivering the speech


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